Event Participation Policy
Media Release
I grant Symphonies for Success, its representatives, employees, and volunteers the right to take photographs of me and my property while participating in any and all Symphonies for Success activities. I authorize Symphonies for Success to copyright, use and publish the same in print and/or electronically. I agree that Symphonies for Success may use such photographs of me without my name and for any lawful purpose, including for example such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising, and web content. We never identify participants by their name unless given written consent from the participant or the participants’ parent or guardian.
Code of Conduct
By registering for a Symphonies for Success event, each participant recognizes that he/she is a representative of this organization while at a recital or event in the community. Our participants are expected to be role models, take responsibility for their actions, and consistently demonstrate the highest levels of conduct and behavior while representing Symphonies for Success. Both parents (or guardians) and participants are required to acknowledge and review the Code of Conduct for each recital or event.
CONDUCT: Participants and parents will at all times act responsibly and respectfully towards other participants, organizers, the event venue, instruments and equipment etc. Inappropriate use of language at the event venue will not be tolerated.
TIMELINESS: Participants must arrive at the specified time for the event. Spots cannot be held due to tardiness, absence or having to leave early. No refunds will be made for participants.
EVENT VENUE: Participants must follow all rules and signage of the facility, its outdoor and parking areas.
ILLEGALS: The use of alcohol by minors, tobacco and illegal substances is prohibited at all times during the event. Use of such substances at the event or while representing Symphonies for Success will result in immediate dismissal.
BEHAVIOR: Inappropriate behavior (such illegal acts, unprofessional conduct, theft, and vandalism) is prohibited. No social talking during performances. Keep cell phones in vibrate mode or switched off. Participants and parents who violate the Code of Conduct will be dismissed from the event venue.
General Liability Waiver
I hereby release and agree to hold Symphonies for Success harmless from and waive on behalf of myself, my heirs, and any personal representatives any and all causes of action, claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses, and compensation for damage or loss to myself and/or property that may be caused by an act, or failure to act of the organization, or that may otherwise arise in any way in connections with any services received from Symphonies for Success. I understand that this release discharges Symphonies for Success from any liability or claim that I, my heirs, or any personal representatives may have against this organization with respect to any bodily injury, illness, death, medical treatment, or property damage that may arise from or in connection to any services received from Symphonies for Success. This liability waiver and release extends to Symphonies for Success together will owners, partners, employees, and volunteers.
Donations and fees to Symphonies for Success will not be refunded.
COVID-19 Liability Waiver
I acknowledge the contagious nature of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 and that the Center of Disease Control (CDC) and many other public health authorities still recommend practicing social distancing. I further acknowledge that Symphonies for Success has put in place preventative measures to reduce the spread of Coronavirus/COVID-19. I further acknowledge that Symphonies of Success can not guarantee that I will not become infected with the Coronavirus/COVID-19. I understand the that risk of becoming exposed to and/or infected by the Coronavirus/COVID-10 may results from the actions, omissions, or negligence of myself and others, including but not limited to Symphonies for Success staff, volunteers, and other Symphonies for Success participants and their families and friends. I voluntarily seek services provided by Symphonies for Success and acknowledge that I am increasing my risk to exposure of the Coronavirus/COVID-19. I acknowledge that I must comply with all set procedures to reduce the spread while attending my recital or event.
I attest that :
I am not experiencing any symptoms of illness such as cough, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing, fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell.
I have not traveled internationally within the last 14 days
I do not believe I have been exposed to someone with a suspected and/or confirmed case of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 and not yet cleared as non contagious by state or local public health authorities.
I am following all CDC recommended guidelines as much as possible and limiting my exposure to the Coronavirus/COVID-19.
Event Cancellation
Events may be delayed or canceled due to inclement weather, power outage in the area, or other hazardous conditions. For inclement weather such as snowy or icy conditions, we closely follow weather reports and make a judgment call as to the best plan for the safety of our staff, teachers, and students. Symphonies for Success will make every effort to announce weather closure or delayed opening with as much notice as possible via email and on our Symphonies for Success Facebook page. Any affected lessons due to a weather closure or delayed opening will be rescheduled at a later date. We do not offer refunds or credits for these types of cancellations.
By submitting a registration form for an event, I agree to abide by the above policies.